Retaining Walls

Retaining wall service

The primary purpose of a retaining wall is to prevent erosion and to increase and enhance your usable space. Every retaining wall is under constant pressure, so designing and building the wall correctly is vital. At BedRock Siteworks, we back fill with stone, add a drainpipe, and then cross-brace the wall. This process gives the wall extra strength, carries water away, and lengthens the useful life.

Note that there may be an engineered structural plan requirement for retaining walls. This is typically when walls are higher than 3-4 feet.

Our Retaining Wall Options

Redi-rock Retaining wall

Redi-rock Retaining Wall

A Redi-rock wall utilizes gravity to keep the wall in place and without movement over time. The Redi-rock blocks are available with different textures.

Grand ledge retaining wall

Grand Ledge Retaining Wall

The Grand ledge retaining wall is a non-masonry dry laid wall with a natural boulder look. It greatly increases yard space and minimizes erosion.

Concrete block retaining wall

Concrete Block Retaining Wall

Block retaining walls are used when height varies with length. They can be built stronger by filling hollow block cavities with concrete. It can also be dressed with a stone veneer for a more natural look.

Treated timber retaining wall

Treated Timber Retaining Wall

Timber retaining walls can be built quickly and in many different shapes and depths. When the retaining wall height is tall, cross timbers are used to anchor the wall so it is sturdy and has a longer life.